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The NADC Head Start/ABC program has several ways to prepare children and parents with a smooth transition to kindergarten. We give out email address for the “Kindergarten Readiness” Calendars and Indicator Checklist at enrollment to each parent of four year old children. These calendars have very good information to help inform parents how to help get their child ready for kindergarten. We hold a kindergarten transition parent meeting at each center in April before they start to kindergarten in the fall. Kindergarten teachers, school counselors and principles are invited to attend. Some of our centers take a trip to the local school they will be attending and tour the classrooms and eat lunch in the cafeteria with the other children. The bus drivers let the children tour the buses and talks with them about bus safety.

Before kindergarten registration begins a packet is sent to the school with a copy of the child’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security card and current dental and physical.

Northcentral Arkansas Developement Council, Inc

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