Northcentral Arkansas Development Council, Inc
LIHEAP is currently NOT accepting applications at this time due to funds availability. Please continue to contact your local LIHEAP office for updated information.

LIHEAP Important Information
Under state or federal law, LiHEAP benefits are not considered income/resources for any purpose, including taxation.
Using federal guidance AEO has established both financial and non-financial criteria that must be tested prior to issuing benefits to an applicant household (1) applicant must meet the income eligibility requirement, (2) applicant must have an energy burden, (3) applicant must live in Arkansas, (4) applicant must show proof of identity, (5) applicant must show social security information cards, (6) applicant must show proof of income, (7) applicant must provide utility bills or lease agreement. The financial standards require households to fall at or below the income for a specific household size as outlined on the eligibility chart. Arkansas Energy Office uses a hybrid chart of 60% of State median income and 150% of federal poverty guidelines (FPG) to maximize eligibility.
A LIHEAP household must have an energy burden on the date of application to be considered eligible for LIHEAP benefits. An applicant has an energy burden if the household has the responsibility for providing home energy including home heating and home electricity that makes a household vulnerable to increases in energy costs. However, households that are not eligible for LIHEAP benefits. For example, a household may purchase fuel from a fuel supplier and receive an energy bill, make undesignated payments in the form of rent, or may heat with wood, et cetera.
A LIHEAP applicant must live in Arkansas. Although there is no specific requirement that specifies the length of time a person has to reside in Arkansas, visitors to the state are not eligible for LIHEAP benefits.
Tested requirements include but are not limited to:
Household composition
Proof of Arkansas residency
Proof of citizenship or legal residency if noncitizen
Proof of identity
Proof of income
Proof of valid utility service - energy burden
Type of Dwelling
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination by anyone who receives federal funds directly or indirectly toward a beneficiary of any federally funded program. Subgrantee workers must be mindful to treat all clients with dignity, courtesy, and respect. The Subgrantee must make each applicant aware of the rights and responsibilities associated with applying for and receiving LIHEAP benefits. Rights and responsibilities as reflected on the application are as follows:
1. I understand that my application will be shared with the providers of the selected additional services (Weatherization Assistance Program and Assurance 16 Program). FFY 2025 Policy & Procedures Manual Page 70 of 190
2. I understand the information on this application will be kept confidential and only be shared as indicated. No information will be sold, loaned, rented, or otherwise disclosed except as indicated on this application.
3. I understand that I have the right to appeal any decision regarding this application which I consider improper, any delay in decision or delivery of services, and any disagreement with benefit amount.
4. I understand that I must help establish my eligibility by providing as much information as I can about my circumstances.
5. I authorize the LIHEAP affiliate to share information relating to my application with my utility service provider(s) to determine my eligibility or benefit amount.
6. I give permission to the Arkansas Energy Office (AEO) to use information provided on my application for purposes of reporting, research, evaluation, and analysis of the program.
7. I authorize my utility supplier(s) to release my account information to Arkansas Energy Office (AEO) or its designee(s).
8. I understand that my utility service provider will have no control over the data disclosed pursuant to this consent and will not be responsible for monitoring or taking any steps to ensure that the LIHEAP office maintains the confidentiality of the data or uses the data as I have authorized.
9. I understand that no person may be denied assistance on the basis of race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion, national origin, or political belief.
10. I understand that my signature on this application authorizes the agency to verify information about me or any household member and/or use it as a release to secure information needed to determine my eligibility for services.
11. I understand that if I receive assistance to which I am not entitled as a result of withholding information or knowingly providing false or fraudulent information regarding me and/or household members, I must repay the cost of any assistance and may face penalty of criminal prosecution.
12. The information given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that this form is signed subject to penalties for perjury. Additionally, the Subgrantee must recognize that a client has the right to request information and expect a response. The Subgrantee must not ignore inquiries related to eligible services and eligibility, payments, and rights and responsibilities
Available Programs
Regular Assistance Program
Regular Assistance is available for eligible households during the application period of the winter and summer programs if funding is available. This type of assistance is a one-time payment per household per program. Subsequent applications for this assistance during the same program by the same household or by a member of a household having received a Regular Assistance benefit will be denied.
Crisis Intervention Program (CIP)
The household must have an energy-related crisis situation on the date of the CIP application. A CIP benefit is available to an eligible household for whom service has been discontinued or is threatened to be discontinued, who is out of fuel or will run out of fuel, or who is responsible for heating costs that are included in rent and has received an eviction notice. A crisis situation also exists when a household's primary heating system is inoperable (make emergency referral to Weatherization) or a household's fuel tank is inaccessible because of severe weather.
CIP is available during both the Winter and Summer Programs. This type of assistance is a one-time benefit per household not to exceed $500. However, during the Summer Program, only a crisis situation involving electric service will be considered. A crisis situation must have one or more of the following:
Propane or fuel oil below twenty percent (20%);
A disconnect notice (electric only during Summer Program);
An eviction notice due to non-payment of their energy source;
3 weeks remaining of their wood supply;
or A life-threatening situation;
Pre-paid electric alerted that the balance will soon exhaust;
Service has been disconnected;
Applicant is enrolled in a delayed payment arrangement;
Past due amount/arrearage on utility bill.
​​Eligibility Chart

The Department of Energy and Environment, Arkansas Energy Office’s (AEO) policy for hearings is in compliance with 42 U.S. Code § 8624(b)(13), also known as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (LIHEAP). Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) appeals will be handled according to the policy in the WAP Subgrantee Operations Manual. LIHEAP Assurance 13 requires that AEO (the Grantee) “provide an opportunity for a fair administrative hearing to individuals whose claims for assistance… are denied or are not acted upon with reasonable promptness.” Based on Assurance 13, AEO acknowledges that the following are reasons that applicants can file an appeal: • The household is determined ineligible for services based on the eligibility criteria for the program, • The benefit amount is less than anticipated, or • The benefit is delayed because the Subgrantee did not process the application as quickly as policy requires. An applicant may file an appeal if the applicant’s claims for assistance under the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program are denied or are not acted upon with reasonable promptness. During any phase of the appeals process, the applicant may designate a representative to assist them. An applicant may designate a representative to speak on the applicant’s behalf through a written statement, which includes statements made on the Request for Appeal Hearing form. Upon request for legal counsel, the Subgrantee or AEO will refer applicants to Legal Aid, Arkansas Legal Services (www.arlawhelp.org), or other resources within the community.
Subgrantee or Contractor (Subgrantee) must inform applicants of the appeals and hearing process verbally and in writing. They may inform an applicant of their right to appeal by: • Providing onsite postings of the appeals and hearing process, • Verbally explaining the process to the applicant at the time of application, • Providing the information in other languages spoken by applicants, when necessary, • Ensuring that the appeals and hearing information is included with the application as well as any other effective place such as the agency website. The Subgrantee must also inform the applicant in writing that a written complaint may be submitted to its office within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving notification of a decision about the application, and the Subgrantee must inform the applicant that a written statement or Request for Appeal Hearing may be submitted to AEO within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving notification of a decision about the application. A formal appeal can be submitted to AEO in two ways: 1. In writing using the Request for Appeal Hearing form, or 2. By written statement that includes an explanation of the action(s) taken by the applicant and by the Subgrantee concerning the application. If received by the Subgrantee, the appeal will be sent by the Subgrantee to AEO within five (5) business days.