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Health and Nutrition


Be Well Arkansas

Whatever you want to be—a good parent, a great athlete, a role model, etc.—it all starts with being well. An active, healthy lifestyle is key. We offer tips and support to quit smoking and address health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. It's never too late to make decisions to help you be healthier. Learn more here.

Medical and Dental

Each child entering the Head Start, Early Head Start, and Head Start ABC programs receives a health screening that is performed by trained staff. The screenings include: hearing, vision, height, weight, and developmental assessment. Annual physical and dental exams are required for each child enrolled in the Head Start, Early Head Start, and Head Start ABC programs. Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child's health care process by receiving results of health screenings, keeping appointments made for their child and transporting their child to those services.



N.A.D.C. Head Start children receive three nutritious meals every day which include breakfast, lunch and pm snack. Children and adults sit together and eat the same menu.

Children and adults engage in conversation about their meal and daily activities. The atmosphere is very pleasant, calm and inviting. Children assist with setting tables and clean up.

Even the small children enjoy carrying their plate to the tables and eating with their friends. This type of arrangement helps them to feel like they are at home with their family.

Northcentral Arkansas Developement Council, Inc

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